Neighbourhood Plan

Steventon Neighbourhood Plan is to be voted on at a referendum on 5th September 2024.  Eligible voters will receive a polling card.Publicity notice.   Full details are available on the Vale of White Horse DC website

Click on the information statement below to open further information on the voting and the area involved.

Information Statement Steventon

Steventon Neighbourhood Development Plan is now under consideration by the Examiner link to website and full details  here.



Steventon Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan has been submitted to the Vale of White Horse District Council for approval.  The full plan is downloadable from the bottom of this page.

The principal purpose of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is to derive policies that will be used in making planning decisions about the future of the area up to 2031, the Plan period. Once approved by the Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC), independent examiner and adopted by a village referendum, the Plan becomes part of the VWHDC’s Statutory Development Plan. The policies developed must all be relevant to planning, and therefore can only relate to the development and use of land.

Writing of our Neighbourhood Plan started in 2014.  Residents have responded to 3 questionnaires over this time period (2015, 2017 and 2020) and this Neighbourhood Plan reflects community-wide comments, observations and concerns about its future, bringing them together with census information, strategic and statistical evidence into a “living promise” that mirrors the communities overwhelming desire to make Steventon an even better place to live and work, both now and for future generations, whilst retaining its heritage.

The plan has been produced by a Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group including Parish Council members, resident volunteers, and with the help of the VWHDC.

“This Plan 2031 was written to provide the strategy, policies and development objectives through which to meet our goal to protect and enhance the rural identity and heritage of our village whilst ensuring its future sustainability.”

The process we have followed is illustrated below.

We have completed at the pre-submission stage that concluded on 1st October 22.  We are now incorporating the comments received into the plan before the Parish Council can formally submit their plan to the District Council.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan and associated supporting documents can be found on this website, click on the titles below, or a printed document can be viewed by arrangement with the Parish Clerk.  Email:  Post or hand delivery: 8 Stocks Lane, Steventon, Abingdon OX13 6SG.  Queries telephone 01235831024.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Appendix 1 Listed Buildings

Appendix 2 NP Questionnaires

Appendix 3 Information Gathered

Appendix 4 Neighbourhood Plan SEA

Appendix 5 Views And Vistas

Appendix 6 Community Aspirations

Appendix 7 Character Appraisal Small

Basic Conditions Statement

Steventon Consultation Document







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