Parish Council Report




Some exciting news from the Parish Council! We heard this month that our Draft Neighbourhood Plan has been accepted by the Vale of White Horse District Council and can now move forward to a local referendum. The Neighbourhood Plan has been many years in the writing, with questionnaires, consultations and many meetings and hours of writing. Unfortunately, the ‘Covid years’ slowed progress down on the Plan, but the independent examiner has now deemed it fit for purpose. One comment from the Vale is:

Having considered all relevant information, including representations submitted in response to the Plan, the Examiner’s considerations and recommendations, the council has come to the view that the Plan recognises and respects relevant constraints. The Plan has developed a positive suite of policies that seek to bring forward positive and sustainable development in the neighbourhood area. There is a clear focus on maintaining the character, quality and appearance of the neighbourhood area, as well as aims to enhance biodiversity and wildlife.

We will bring you more information about the next steps on the Neighbourhood Plan referendum as soon as we have them, and there will be opportunities for you all to read it, but we would certainly urge all villagers to vote in favour of the Plan at referendum.

2 members of the Parish Council attended the public meeting about Truck Festival on June 25th. This was quite well attended by villagers, and there was some interesting information shared about the upcoming festival. There had been generally positive feedback from last year’s festival. By the time you read this, Truck will be over for this year, but we would urge villagers to raise any issues that may have arisen, either to us or direct to the Truck organisers.

The Parish Council met on Tuesday 9th July, a week later than usual because of the election hustings. Five councillors were present, as well as Sally Povolotsky, our County and District Councillor and there were 2 members of the public. Councillor Povolotsky reported about the ‘resurfacing’ that had taken place on roads through the village. Some of this had to be redone (at the contractor’s expense) as it was not up to standard. It was also noted that a number of potholes had been fixed recently (Mill St, Folly Lane, Pugsden Lane). Cllr Povolotsky explained we now have Fix My Street ‘super-users’ in the village, who are trained to mark up the potholes, which ensures they get fixed quicker than previously. Villagers are urged to report any defects with roads on Fix My Street. The ’super-users’ also sped up the clearance of drains and gullies on Steventon Hill.

There will be no meeting in August, so the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 3rd September at 7pm in the Millenium Room.
