Parish Council Report

The Parish Council met on Tuesday 5th March with 7 Parish Councillors and several members of the public being present. Apologies were received from Sally Povolotsky, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Councillor and Vale of White Horse District Council (VWHDC).


During Public participation it was reported that some youths had been racing at speed across the green on an orange motorbike with no lights, no helmets and  wearing hoodies and masks.

Steventon Village Greens are part of our Village heritage and are an integral part of a Village community and as such, should be protected and enjoyed by everyone as much as possible and especially by the residents of the Parish. As custodians, the Parish Council must ensure that the Green is protected against misuse and/or damage, and use’s other than those consistent with normal enjoyment of the Green.

Where The Greens have been unlawfully used or damaged the Parish Council can take actions available to it in law to both seek remedy of the damage or a cessation of the unlawful use. Damage or encroachment may result in criminal proceedings being taken by the Parish Council.

The incident has been reported to the Police.

The first of a series of bespoke benches is taking shape as shown below. The bench is now undergoing sculpturing to display the history of the village. The bench when completed will be installed on the big Green’

Thames Water will be starting a series of consultations, commencing in the spring, presenting their proposals for the construction of a 150 Mm3 reservoir. They will also be looking for volunteers to join a “working group” to establish resident requirements for recreation and leisure once the proposed reservoir has been built.

Thames Water, Britain’s biggest water company has declined to commit funds to a £180m industry-wide initiative to fast-track efforts to reduce pollution in England’s waterways. The sum would be spent by six companies over the next 12 months to prevent sewage spills. Thames Water has said it is unable to accelerate its investment despite the government request.

The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday April 2nd, 2024, at 7pm in the Village Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting is on Tuesday 23rd April at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Dr Chris Wilding
